Many have been speculating what is going to happen with the Pittsburgh Steelers and Ben Roethlisberger? That has been one of the biggest topics so far this offseason. We got an answer today with when we should expect some kind of news about Ben Roethlisberger to take place. Ed Bouchette thinks sometime next week the Steelers will figure out what to do with Ben Roethlisberger.
Ed Bouchette on 93.7 the fan this morning: “I think in the next 7 days, that brings us to early March, I think something’s going to be done with Ben one way or the other. I’m not going to sit here and say he’s not coming back or he is because I don’t know."
Bouchette also says he doesn't think the Steelers truly want him back this coming season. He says the Steelers really shouldn't show their hand in order to not ruffle any feathers going into negotiations. Ed thinks when the Steelers say a guy is a Steeler for now it doesn't bode well for the player in the long run. Especially in terms of Ben coming back.
Ed Bouchette on Ben Roethlisberger playing with another football team: “I don’t think it’s a real possibility but I’m not saying that with 100% conviction. You don’t know what burns inside these guys. And when it’s over, it’s over. It’s not like us where we can keep going on forever. Carolina is desperate for a quarterback. I don’t even know if there’s any interest there but I could see him doing it. On the other hand, I don’t know that he wants to. I don’t think he wants to, either.”
The Steelers have some time to get negotiations done, but they cannot do anything in regards to free agency until the league decides on the cap and they come to terms on a restructure with Ben Roethlisberger. March 17th the league can begin free agency.